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EAT Framework
EAT (Evans, 2016) is underpinned by a Personal Learning Styles Pedagogy (PLSP) approach (Waring & Evans, 2015). It stresses the importance of agency, collaboration, and sensitivity to the needs of the context (discipline; programme, etc.) to support the development of strong student-lecturer partnerships in order to build student self-regulatory capacity in assessment and feedback. The Dimensions below allow for Student rating and evaluation.
The student version explores how students can be active co-owners of the assessment feedback process that draws on Evans (2015a) identification of ‘savvy feedback seekers’ who shared the following characteristics: (a) focus on meaning making; (b) self-management skills; (c) perspective; (d) noticing; (e) resilience; (f) managing personal response to feedback; (g) pro-active feedback-seeking behaviour; (h) adaptability, and (i) forward thinking.

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